Northwestern Polytechnical University    

• Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University     

       IEEE Computer Xi'an Chapter (CS Xi'an Chapter) was founded in Jan. 2008 . Prof. ZHOU Xingshe from Northwestern Polytechnical University served as the first Chair (2008-2015) and Prof. GUO Bin from the same university serves as second Chair. The CS Chapter has over 150 members. During the past decade, the CS Chapter has organized or co-organized several leading academic conferences, including "2008 China National Computer Conference", which is the largest accademic event of computer science in China, and " 2010 IEEE International Con- ference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing". In 2017, CS Chapter has orga- nized 5 academic forums. In the future, the Chapter will continue to play an leading role in Xi'an Section in the coming IoT and AI era, and enhance the international connection with distinguished scholars around the world.