Brief Introduction of IEEE

       IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology. The IEEE formed in 1963 with the merger of the AIEE (American Institute of Electrical Engineers, formed in 1884) and the IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers, formed in 1912). There are more than 370,000 members, including more than 80,000 students, in over 160 countries around the world. The IEEE is organized into 319 local sections in 10 geographic regions, about 1,676 chapters comprised of local members with similar technical interests, 39 societies and 5 technical councils; more than 1,430 student branches at colleges and universities in 80 countries; 356 student branch chapters. The IEEE Region 10, also sometimes referred as the Asia Pacific Region, comprises 52 Sections, 4 Councils, 8 Sub-sections, 334 Chapters and 490 student branches. It covers a geographical area stretching from China and Japan in the north to New Zealand and Australia in the south, India and Pakistan in the west. With a membership of over 67,000, it is the largest region in IEEE. IEEE has 132 transactions, journals and magazines, more than 450 IEEE sponsored or co-sponsored conferences worldwide each year, and over 900 active IEEE standards and more than 400 in development.